Tell me: What is troubling you? I am a firm believer that by talking about what is on your mind or heart that is troubling you, can help you feel better because you're not holding that feeling of doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, etc. By talking about it, it can help you find a solution or look at things differently. It allows you to not hold onto those feelings, you deal with them without bypassing them. All of this helps you when expressing what you are going through. There is nothing wrong with expressing how you feel, expressing that you feel frustrated, sad, mad, at your wits end and so on.....
When you hold on to these feelings without dealing with them by not talking about them can literally cause health issues of all kinds simply due to holding onto these negative feelings. I know this from personal experience, I was so stressed and not expressing my feelings, worries, concerns that I had constant migraines, gut problems, my body hurt, and more. Once I not only got myself out of the negative situation and started dealing with and expressing my feelings without holding onto what was troubling me, I felt better and my diagnoses slowly healed.
So my challenge to you is to write down, whether here on this vlog or just on a piece of paper, what is troubling you! Let go of what is no longer serving you, it is not good or healthy to hold on to it. Free your mind of the worries, doubts, fears, etc. This is a safe space, I am not here to pass judgement, I am here to help support you on this Journey of self-discovery and part of that means holding space for you to be able to express what is troubling you so that you feel better. Trust me the 1st time you do this you may not even notice a difference, this is a one step at a time process, it helps you even in the slightest way imaginable including getting through your day, feeling like things are moving forward and just feeling like you don't have as heavy a weight on our shoulders! Embrace letting go and feeling & experiencing feelings of calm, joy, contentment even in the slightest way as you get what is troubling you off your mind, the more you do it the more you'll see things different as well as receive what you need within yourself to feel at your best. The negative has no power over you unless it is allowed, so what are you gonna do?! Take the 1st step to feeling better by telling me what is troubling you at this moment.
Thank you for taking this Journey of self-discovery, getting to know who you are!
Convo/Consults available, set up your 15-20min session today.
Have an amazing day! Sending you so much love, kindness and compassion🥰